Research Article

Low Prevalence of Active Tuberculosis among High-Risk Pregnant and Postpartum Women in Sweden: A Retrospective Epidemiological Cohort Study Using and Evaluating TST as Screening Method

Table 1

Baseline data

VariablePPD-positive ≥10 (n=327)PPD-negative <10 (n=574)p-value

Maternal age28.1 (5.2)27.8 (5.7)0.41
28.0 (16.0; 43.0)27.0 (10.0; 45.0)


 0133 (40.7%)265 (46.2%)

 1102 (31.2%)184 (32.1%)

 256 (17.1%)81 (14.1%)

 318 (5.5%)23 (4.0%)

 410 (3.1%)10 (1.7%)

 54 (1.2%)3 (0.5%)

 64 (1.2%)5 (0.9%)

 70 (0.0%)2 (0.3%)

 130 (0.0%)1 (0.2%)0.070

Proportion parity

 Nulliparity133 (40.7%)265 (46.2%)

 Multiparity194 (59.3%)309 (53.8%)0.13

Smoking habits

 Nonsmoker270 (82.6%)484 (84.3%)

 Smoker57 (17.4%)90 (15.7%)0.55

BMI25.0 (4.9)24.5 (4.6)0.091
24.0 (15.0; 47.0)24.0 (16.0; 44.0)

For categorical variables, n (%) is presented.
For continuous variables, mean (SD)/median (min; max)/n= is presented.
For comparison between groups, Fisher’s exact test (lowest 1-sided p-value multiplied by 2) was used for dichotomous variables, the Mantel-Haenszel Chi Square test was used for ordered categorical variables, and the Mann–Whitney U test was used for continuous variables.