Research Article

Persistence of Overseeded Cool-Season Grasses in Bermudagrass Turf

Table 6

Persistence of three overseeded species one year after seeding as affected by foramsulfuron application timing in 2004 and 2005 for the second experiment.a

SpeciesForamsulfuron applicationPlants per m2
Trial 1Trial 2

Intermediate ryegrassNone 68.2 b112.2 a
Hybrid bluegrass None 3.7 b 9.5 b
Italian ryegrass None 168.2 b 180.7 a
Intermediate ryegrass March 30.0 b 90.3 a
Hybrid bluegrass March 0.2 b 8.8 b
Italian ryegrass March 413.1 a 178.9 a
Intermediate ryegrass April 55.7 b 65.4 a
Hybrid bluegrass April 3.4 b 11.1 b
Italian ryegrass April 183.4 b 180.1 a
Intermediate ryegrass May 40.1 b 60.4 a
Hybrid bluegrass May 18.1 b 17.2 b
Italian ryegrass May 183.2 b 170.3 a

aMeans within a column with the same letter are not significantly different according to the Fisher’s protected least significant difference test at the 0.05 level.