Research Article

Spring-Interseeded Winter Rye Seeding Rates Influence Weed Control and Organic Soybean Yield

Table 3

Effect of winter rye seeding rate on soybean, winter rye, common waterhemp, ivyleaf morningglory, and total weed density in 2002 and 2003. Data were combined over years and row spacings unless denoted otherwise.

SoybeanWinter ryeCommon waterhempIvyleafTotal weed
Rye seeding rate2002200320022003bWide-rowNarrow-row lowNarrow-row highmorningglorydensity
kg ha−1 No. m−2

Weedy check3217 00823655586
673539 40 110 3020
1343332 90 1 5 6121
2002732220 0 3 1530
Weed-free3337 00 0 0 00 0
LSD NS 8 1NSa19417

aAbbreviations: NS: nonsignificant.
bWinter rye emerged in the spring and died over the summer as in other research [6].