Research Article

Multimodel Inference for the Prediction of Disease Symptoms and Yield Loss of Potato in a Two-Year Crop Rotation Experiment

Table 2

The coefficient of multiple determination, , of the global model for the three responses over the three years. In the global model, the nine predictors are present as well as the cultivar term. Between brackets, is given for the model with only the cultivar term.

YearIndex S. subterranea (0–100)Haulms infected with V. dahliae (%)Dry tuber yield (g m−2)

19960.44 (0.05)0.55 (0.12)0.44 (0.16)
19970.38 (0.16)0.41 (0.05)0.52 (0.37)
19980.50 (0.09)0.66 (0.29)0.46 (0.22)