Research Article

Nitrogen Transformations in Broiler Litter-Amended Soils

Table 1

Selected properties of the soils used.

Soil seriespHOrganic CarbonTotal nitrogenInorganic NTexture
g kg−1mg kg−1g kg−1

Appling 5.95 26.4 3.90 14.3 9.57 75 125 800
Cecil 5.87 19.0 3.38 14.4 20.8 75 225 700
Colbert 6.05 6.88 2.53 13.1 23.0 125 875
Decatur 5.90 14.3 3.91 8.91 8.73 100 900
Dothan 6.48 9.37 2.57 12.0 21.2 75 650 275
Hartsells 6.06 9.58 2.67 3.91 5.39 125 300 575
Maytag 5.95 7.37 2.55 2.55 3.05 125 325 550
Linker 6.31 9.71 2.73 3.10 7.02 25 350 625
Sucarnoochee 5.91 11.4 2.82 6.87 3.39 75 475 450
Troup 6.64 20.1 3.30 2.16 5.07 125 75 800

Appling: Fine, kaolinitic thermic kanapludult; Cecil: Fine, kaolinitic thermic, Typic kanapludults; Colbert; Fine, smetitic, thermic Vertic Hapludults; Decatur; Clayey, kaolinitic thermic Rhodic Paleudults; Dothan; Fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic Plinthic Paleudults; Hartsells; Fine-loamy, siliceous subactive thermic Typic Hapludults; Maytag; Fine montmorillonitic, thermic, oxyaquic Hapluderts; Linker; Fine-loamy, siliceous semiactive thermic Typic Hapludults; Sucarnoochee; montmorillonitic, thermic chromic Epiaqurand; Troup; Loamy, siliceous, Thermic Grossarenic Paleudults. From Sissoko and Kpomblekou-A 2010 [25].