Research Article

Estimating Uncertainty of Economically Optimum N Fertilizer Rates

Table 1

Effect of price ratio between crop and fertilizer on the point estimate and the confidence interval (CI) and its length for different confidence levels, where the measured yields of all levels in Figure 1 are respected.

80 % CI length 90 % CI length 95 % CI length 99 % CI length


High yield zone
0 281 95 131 169 282
2 266 86 118 153 254
4 251 77 106 136 226
61 236 68 93 120 198
8 220 59 81 105 171
10 205[ 50 69 88 145
12 190 42 58 74 119

Low yield zone
0232 69 95 123 208
2 220 61 85 109 184
4 208 54 75 96 161
61 196 47 65 84 139
8 184 41 56 72 118
10 171 35 48 61 98
12 159 30 41 52 82

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