Research Article

Comparison of Two Inoculation Methods for Evaluating Maize for Resistance to Aspergillus flavus Infection and Aflatoxin Accumulation

Table 2

Aspergillus flavus/maize ratio for 10 maize single cross hybrids following inoculation with A. flavus using the side needle technique or infected wheat in 2011 and 2012.

Single cross hybridAspergillus flavus/maize ratio (×10−6)
Side needleInfected wheat

Va35 × PHW79122.4ab207.8a
TZAR101 × Seagull 17132.3ab105.8ab
Va35 × Seagull 17214.9a87.4ab
Mp04:127 × PHW7950.2bcde66.8abc
Mp717 × PHW79151.4ab54.0bcd
GA209 × SC212m87.9abc46.1bcd
Mp494 × Seagull 1779.7abcd32.2bcde
Mp313E × Mo18W19.7e20.1cde
Mp313E × Mp71527.4cde12.6e
Mp313E × Mp71723.5de18.3de


Data were transformed (ln(y + 1), where y = ratio of A. flavus/maize) before statistical analysis. Geometric means were calculated by converting logarithmic means back to original units of measure. Means in a column followed by the same letter do not differ (Fisher’s Protected LSD, P = 0.05).