Research Article

Response of Soybean to Early-Season Planting Dates along the Upper Texas Gulf Coast

Table 3

Monthly rainfall and 40-year average in Calhoun County.

Month20052006 2007200820092010Average

ā€‰ mm
February 50.8 18.8 8.9 38.1 6.6 81.5 61.1
March163.1 19.8 168.4 27.4 65.8 40.1 80.7
April 13.7 3.6 68.1 42.7136.6129.3 83.8
May108.5168.4 152.1 9.4 65.2120.4 119.4
June 26.4123.7 82.0 31.0 10.7155.7 126.5
July120.1220.5 444.8131.5 17.8247.4 83.8
August 29.7 18.5 147.1 72.9 49.8 29.2 89.2

Total512.3573.31067.6353.0352.5803.6 644.5