Research Article

Temperature Effect on Yield and Yield Components of Different Rice Cultivars in Flowering Stage

Table 4

Interactive effects between cultivar and temperature on yield and yield components.

TreatmentPanicle number/hill (cm)Panicle length/hill (cm)Full grain number/hillEmpty grain number/hillTotal grain/hillYield (gm/hill)

V1 5.80abc20.55a376.21a115.1a452.07a25.4a
V1 4.06a18.09a263.33c46e286.13d20.4f
V2 6.43abc19/67a183.25e36.5f220.0f24.8b
V2 4.80abcd18.20a181.26ef23.73g204.93g18.2h
V3 7.07ab21.25a226.0d82.92c338.33b22.5d
V3 4.33bcd19.80a38.40h24.93g114.4i15.8j
V4 7.2a21.70a282b103.33b385.66c22.2c
V4 4.66abcd19.85a282b103.33b385.66c17/4h
V5 4.8abcd20.90a177.66f64.80d235.93e22.1e
V5 2.4d20.06a143.56g13.20h157.33h16.5i

Distinct letters in the row indicate significant differences according to Tukey’s test ( ).
V1: shirudi, V2: fajr, V3: local tarom, V4: line 843, and V5: hybrid cultivars.
: 32°C, : 13°C.