Research Article

Variation of Wheat Cultivars in Their Response to Elevated Temperature on Starch and Dry Matter Accumulation in Grain

Table 1

Number of grain per spike in three wheat cultivars under open field and elevated temperature conditions.

CultivarNumber of grain/spike
Open field temperatureElevated temperatureRP (%)

BARI Gom 2543.43 ± 0.4241.03 ± 0.306
BARI Gom 2655.58 ± 0.3547.65 ± 0.5014
Pavon 7656.38 ± 0.4842.48 ± 0.5025

RP = reduction percentage relative to open field temperature condition.
The values have been given as arithmetic mean ± SE. Values in a column with different letters are significantly different at by DMRT.