Research Article

Different Rates of Chicken Manure and NPK 15-15-15 Enhanced Performance of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) on Ferruginous Soil

Figure 1

Effects of different rates of chicken manure and NPK fertilizers on (a) plant height (cm) and (b) number of leaves of sunflowers during main and residual cropping. PM1 = chicken manure 5 t·ha−1; PM2 = chicken manure 10 t·ha−1; PM3 = chicken manure 15 t·ha−1; PM4 = chicken manure 5 t·ha−1; NPK1 = NPK 30 kg·N·t·ha−1; NPK2 = NPK 60 kg·N·t·ha−1; NPK3 = NPK 90 kg·N·t·ha−1.