Research Article

Volumetric Differences in Mapped Hippocampal Regions Correlate with Increase of High Alpha Rhythm in Alzheimer's Disease

Table 1

ANOVA results of demographic variables, that is, age, education, MMSE score, and neurophysiological EEG markers, that is alpha3/alpha2 ratio (see text for details).

Normal oldADP-value (ANOVA)

Number of subjects (f/m)22 (14/6)13 (8/5)
Age (years)73.5 ± 3.476.2 ± 2.3.1
Education (years)8.8 ± 1.24.6 ± 0.9.4
MMSE29.2 ± 1.421.3 ± 2.5.01
alpha3/alpha2 ratio0.9 ± 0.081.5 ± 0.2.02