Research Article

A Factor Analytic Approach to Symptom Patterns in Dementia

Table 5

Rating scales for differential diagnosis of dementia.

Alzheimer’s disease scaleFrontotemporal dementia scaleHachinski Ischemic Score, HIS

Slow progression1Slow progression1Abrupt onset2
Early loss of insight1Early loss of insight2Stepwise progression1
Early amnesia for remote events2Early signs of disinhibition2Fluctuating course2
Early spatial disorientationIrritability, dysphoria1Nocturnal confusion1
(impaired sense of locality)2Confabulation spontaneous1Relative preservation of personality1
Dyspraxia, dysphasia, dysgnosia, (all Logorrhea, (voluble speech) 1Depression1
symptoms present to some extent)2Progressive reduction of speech1Somatic complaints1
Logoclonia, (stuttering-like speech Stereotypy of speech1Emotional incontinence1
disturbance)2Echolalia, late mutism, amimia, (at History of hypertension1
Logorrhoea, (voluble speech) 1least two of three symptoms during theHistory of strokes2
Progressive reduction of speech1course)2Evidence of associated
Epileptic seizure of late onset1Klüver-Bucy syndrome,atherosclerosis1
Increased muscular tension2(hyperorality, hypersexuality Focal neurological symptoms2
Myoclonic twitchings1utilization behaviour)1Focal neurological signs2
Klüver-Bucy syndrome, (hyperorality,
hypersexuality, utilization behaviour)1
Total score Total score Total score
Max score 17Max score 13Max score 18