Research Article

The Cellular Prion Protein Prevents Copper-Induced Inhibition of P2X4 Receptors

Figure 3

PrPC prevents Cu2+-induced inhibition of P2X4 receptor. (a) Representative recordings obtained from oocytes expressing P2X4 receptor (left traces, P2X4) or coexpressing P2X4 receptor and PrP-3F4 (right traces, P2X4/PrP-3F4) showing 10 μM ATP-evoked currents (open bars) and its inhibition by 10 μM Cu2+ (closed bars). (b) Statistical analysis of Cu2+ inhibition showed in (a), performed in different oocytes ( , * versus ATP, # versus P2X4 alone). Bars are mean values ± SEM. (c), Cu2+ concentration-response curves of 10 μM ATP inhibition in oocytes expressing P2X4 receptor (open circles) or co-expressing P2X4 receptor and PrP-3F4 (closed circles). Symbols are mean values ± SEM, numbers in parenthesis are number of oocytes.