Review Article

Cognitive Deterioration and Associated Pathology Induced by Chronic Low-Level Aluminum Ingestion in a Translational Rat Model Provides an Explanation of Alzheimer's Disease, Tests for Susceptibility and Avenues for Treatment

Figure 4

Al accumulation in a lesion of hippocampal CA1 cells in a rat with cognitive deterioration correlates with microtubule depletion. (a) The stage IV pyramidal cells in the center stain magenta for nuclear Al. Pyramidal cells with a normal appearance (arrows) are present along the margins of the lesion. (b) An adjacent section, immunostained for acetylated tubulin, demonstrates that cells within the lesion, corresponding to those with stage IV Al staining, are microtubule depleted. Other pyramidal cells at the margins of the lesion have a more normal appearance and clearly immunostain for microtubules (arrows). MB = 50 μM. Republished from [31].