Research Article

Role of Copper and Cholesterol Association in the Neurodegenerative Process

Table 2

Esterfied (ECho) and free (FCho) cholesterol levels in animals fed with the experimental diets.

Diets  Cho (nmoles/mg·prot) 
PlasmaBrain zones 
Cortex Hippocampus 
Esterified Free FCho/Echo Esterified Free FCho/Echo Esterified Free FCho/Echo 

C a a a a a a a247.1 ± 9.7a a
Cu a a a b a b b252.1 ± 11.4a b
Cho b a c a b a a269.4 ± 11.4b c
CuCho a c d c c c c a d

Cho and Cho-esters contents were determined enzymatically after HP-TLC as described in Section 2.7. Results are the mean of 10 independent measurements analyzed in triplicate ± SD. Comparisons between data were performed by ANOVA + Tukey test at < 0.01. Statistical differences among the experimental diets were indicated with distinct superscript letters (values within the same column with different superscript letters are statistically significant between them).