Research Article

Role of Copper and Cholesterol Association in the Neurodegenerative Process

Table 4

A (1–40 and 1–42) peptide concentrations and the ratio A (1–42)/(1–40) in plasma and in brain regions (cortex and hippocampus) in rats fed with the experimental diets.

Treatments Plasma Brain zones 
Cortex Hippocampus 
A (1–40) A (1–42) A (1–42)/(1–40) 102A (1–40) A (1–42) A (1–42)/(1–40) 102A (1–40) A (1–42) A (1–42)/(1–40) 102

C a a a a a a a a a
Cu b b a b a b b a a
Cho c c a c b9.60 ± 0.18b c b b
CuCho d d a d c11.20 ± 0.26c d c b

Results (mean of 10 animals assayed in triplicate ± SD) were obtained as described in Section 2.12.1. Individual peptides are expressed as picomoles/L (plasma) or picomoles/mg protein (brain homogenates). Results statistically significantly different ( ) are indicated with distinct superscript letters (values within the same column with different superscript letters are statistically significant between them).