Research Article

Differential Network Analyses of Alzheimer’s Disease Identify Early Events in Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology

Figure 3

Regional coexpression networks construction diagram. Gene coexpression networks built from sets of differentially expressed genes. EC refers to the entorhinal cortex, HIP is hippocampus, MTG is the middle temporal gyrus, and PCC is posterior cingulate cortex. For each of the 6 comparisons, the coexpression network was built using the common differentially expressed genes between the two regions and the samples from that specific region. For instance, when the EC and HIP were being compared, the 2041 common DE genes between EC and HIP were used to construct the ECnet using the control and the AD affected samples from the EC, while the HIPnet was constructed on the same set of 2041 DE genes but the control and AD affected samples were from the HIP. This kind of analyses results in 12 coexpression networks—2 per regional analysis.