The article titled “Time and Covariance Threshold Triggered Optimal Uncooperative Rendezvous Using Angles-Only Navigation” [1], is an extended version of the authors’ conference article, “You Yue, Wang Hua, C. Paccolat and Li Jiu Ren, “Time and Covariance Threshold Triggered Optimal Uncooperative Rendezvous Using Angles Only Navigation,” 2016 IEEE Chinese Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference (CGNCC), Nanjing, 2016, pp. 943-948. doi:10.1109/CGNCC.2016.7828912,” which was published after the article was submitted and was not cited [2].

The abstracts are different, the introduction was extended, 10 references were added, more detail is given in “Covariance Threshold Triggered Maneuver Planning,” a discussion on “earth eclipse rate influence” was added, and two figures were added, Figures 5 and 6.

This was raised by the first author, who apologizes for not declaring this previous version of the work. The editorial board agreed to publish a corrigendum.