Research Article

Synthesis of Antenna Arrays and Parasitic Antenna Arrays with Mutual Couplings

Table 5

Weightings for the coupled radiation patterns and reactive loads that are to connected to the non-fed dipoles.

Dipoles (weights for the coupled radiation patterns) Reactive loads (jXi) and input impedance (ZE) that produce the beam steering at 2.45 GHz
Inductances Capacitors

1 (reflector) 3.18 nH
2 (reflector) 3.88 nH
3 (feeder)1.
4 (director) 0.78 pF
5 (director) 0.62 pF
6 (director) 0.57 pF
7 (director) 0.61 pF
8 (director) 0.42 pF
9 (director) 0.45 pF
10 (director) 0.55 pF
11 (director) 0.39 pF
12 (director) 0.50 pF
13 (director) 0.82 pF
14 (director) 0.61 pF
15 (director) 0.91 pF