Research Article

A New SVM-Based Modeling Method of Cabin Path Loss Prediction

Table 3

An example of input and output variables in SVM model dB.

Input data Output data

66.39 65.77 64.91 62.58 65.01 64.51 65.5 66.57 64.26
(1ZA) (1ZB) (1ZC) (1KC) (2ZC) (2ZB) (2ZA) (1KA) (1KB)
65.77 64.91 68.01 63.6 65.83 65.01 64.51 64.26 62.58
(1ZB) (1ZC) (1ZD) (1KD) (2ZD) (2ZC) (2ZB) (1KB) (1KC)
64.91 68.01 67.44 66.61 66.42 65.83 65.01 62.58 63.6
(1ZC) (1ZD) (1ZE) (1KE) (2ZE) (2ZD) (2ZC) (1KC) (1KD)