Review Article

Cognitive Radio Transceivers: RF, Spectrum Sensing, and Learning Algorithms Review

Algorithm 2

Steps of the CAF symmetry-based detector.
Initialize: Acquire data samples from the spectrum sensing interval formed by
samples and set ( ) the number of OMP iterations, and ( ) the number of delays s
For   different values of ,
 (a) Calculate the autocorrelation vector given by:
where .
  (b) Calculate the elements of the matrix performing the IDFT transform:
The OMP algorithm
 (c) Estimate the cyclic autocorrelation vector by solving the following system of
 equations: by using an iterative optimization technique called
  Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) that delivers an approximated solution .
Symmetry check
  (d) Calculate the symmetry index for this value of , by ignoring the first amplitude that
 corresponds to the first iteration of OMP, and measuring the mean value of the abscissa
 of the remaining ( ) non zero elements in . The symmetry index is given by:
End For
Equivalent symmetry check: