Research Article

Design of a Compact Quad-Band Slot Antenna for Integrated Mobile Devices

Table 1

Performance comparison of the proposed antenna with other reported antennas.

ReferenceSizeOperating bands (GHz)Peak gain (dBi)Remarks

[2]60 × 120.9–1.95.2Few useful frequency bands or too large overall size
[3]40 × 352.26–2.42,  3.29–3.63.3
[4]40 × 102.38–2.52, 3.40–3.622.7Few useful frequency bands
[5]23 × 36.52.33–2.76, 3.05–3.88, 5.57–5.883.0Only >2.3 GHz applications
[6]38 × 252.4–2.7, 3.1–4.15, 4.93–5.892.9
[7]29 × 280.79–0.92,  1.71–2.283.25Few useful frequency bands
[8]60 × 601.55–1.57, 2.395–2.695, 4.975–5.9353.7Too large overall size
[9]40 × 200.82–2.69, 5.15–5.8253.5Incomplete coverage of WIMAX/WLAN applications
[10]20 × 202.33–2.809, 3.36–3.54, 5.811–5.987, 7.994–8.486Not mentioned
[11]32 × 282.34–2.82, 3.16–4.06, 4.69–5.373.18Nonindependently tuned resonant frequencies
[12]67 × 380.863–1.049, 1.49–2.81Not mentionedOnly <3 GHz applications
Proposed antenna20 × 301.79–2.63, 3.49–3.97, 4.92–5.85, 7.87–8.406.9Compact size and sufficient bands