Research Article

PKC and ER Are Associated with Triple-Negative Breast Cancers in African American and Caucasian Patients

Table 5

(a) High tumor grade correlates with elevated PKCα expression. (b) PKCα and tumor grade is correlative in AA but not in Caucasian patients.

OutcomeMedian (Minimum, maximum) value*
Grade = 1 ( )Grade = 2 ( ) Grade = 3 ( )

PKCα (freq)0.50 (0, 3)2.00 (0, 4)3.00 (0, 4) 0.010††
PKCα (int)0.50 (0, 3)1.00 (0, 3)2.00 (0, 4)0.012
PKCα (sum)1.00 (0, 6)3.50 (0, 7)5.00 (0, 8) 0.004††

* value is based on the Kruskal-Wallis Test. value <0.05; †† value <0.01.

Race OutcomeMedian (Minimum, maximum) value*
Grade=1 ( )Grade=3 ( )

PKCα (freq)0 (0, 1)2 (0, 3)2 (0, 4)0.007††
AA ( )PKCα (int))0 (0, 3)1 (0, 3)2 (0, 3)0.017
PKCα (sum)0 (0, 4)3 (0, 5)5 (0, 7)0.003††

Grade = 1 ( )Grade = 2 ( )Grade = 3 ( )

PKCα (freq)2.5 (0, 3)2 (0, 4)3 (0, 4)0.248
Caucasian ( )PKCα (int)1.5 (0, 3)2 (0, 3)2 (0, 4)0.277
PKCα (sum)4.0 (0, 6)4 (0, 7)5 (0, 8)0.169

* value is based on the Kruskal-Wallis Test. value <0.05; †† value < 0.01.