Review Article

Diet across the Lifespan and the Association with Breast Density in Adulthood

Table 2

Studies of adolescent diet, and breast density.

Author, yearStudy population,
DesignDiet/mammogram ageFoods/nutrients of interestDietary assessmentOutcomeMajor significant resultsAdjustments

Haars et al. 2010 [12] also in Tables 1 and 9 DOM-project
The Netherlands
CS10–18 y/53 yShort-term energy restrictionDescribed in Table 1BS, DT, NDT, PBD
mammogram; visual observation
Null Age at examination, parity, menopausal status, BMI

Sellers et al. 2007 [15]MBCFSC
United States, NH-White
CS12-13 y/60.4 y
High-fat meats, dairy, animal fat, high-fat snacks and desserts, high-fat foods, fish and chicken, fruits, vegetables29-item FFQ
(retrospective recall)
PBD mammogram; Cumulus NullAge at mammography, weight at follow-up 1, use of HRT, menopausal status, education, age at menarche, parity, age at first birth, OC use, alcohol use, smoking hx

Tseng et al. 2011 [16]
also in Table 7
Chinese-American immigrants
US, Asian
CS12–17 y/53.1 y
Beef, pork, tofu, green veg, fruits Frequency of consumption: beef, pork, tofu, green veg, fruits (retrospective)
PBD: BIRADS Red meat intake:
all women: (ORT3  versus T1 = 3.0; 95% CI: 1.5–6.4)
postmenopausal women:
(ORT3  versus T1 = 16.9; 95% CI 5.4–52.4)
Age, level of acculturation, BMI, number of live births and age at first live birth, adult dairy intake

Vachon et al. 2005 [17]MBCFSC
(US, NH-White
CS<18 y/60.4 yAlcohol Follow-up questionnaire PBD mammogram; Cumulus NullAge, BMI, HRT, age at first birth, number of births, age at menarche, education, adult and adolescent smoking status, alcohol, OC use, menopausal status

Dorgan et al. 2010 [18]
also in Table 8
premenopausal women
   US, NH-White
RCT followup
25–29 y
Long-term effects of low-fat diet
3–24-hr dietary recalls PBD and VDT MRI Null % body fat, age at randomization, age at visit, clinic, BMI- score, race, education, smoking status, PA at 14–17 years old and separately during the past year, number of full-term pregnancies, hormonal contraceptives