Research Article

Rapid Heterotrophic Ossification with Cryopreserved Poly(ethylene glycol-) Microencapsulated BMP2-Expressing MSCs

Figure 2

Viability of MSCs on day 0 and 4 after encapsulation with and without cryopreservation: MSCs were stained with calcein AM for live (green) and ethidium homodimer for dead (red). On the day of microencapsulation ovine A MSCs stained for (a) live, (b) dead, and (c) overlay. And on day 4 following microencapsulation (e) ovine A MSCs stained for live, (f) dead, and (g) overlay. (d) Graphical representation of counts of 90 images. Cryopreserved ovine A encapsulated MSCs on day of thaw (i) live, (j) dead, and (k) overlay. Day 4 postthaw ovine A MSCs stained for (l) live, (m) dead, and (n) overlay. (h) Graphical representation of counts of 90 images (averaging 87,000 cells per group). (* ).