Review Article

Three-Axis Model for Atg Recruitment in Autophagy against Salmonella

Figure 1

Schematic representation of the three-axis model for Atg recruitment in Salmonella xenophagy Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is inside the SCV, but some bacterial cells are captured by the autophagic machinery. LC3 is recruited by Atg16L complex, but this recruitment is not dependent on the other factors depicted here. Even in the absence of these factors, an autophagosome-related membrane is observed. Ulk1 complex (including FIP200) and Atg9L1 recycle between the vicinity of Salmonella and the other cellular pools. Both are recruited to Salmonella independent of one another, but their detachment from Salmonella proximity is interdependent. Atg14L-containing PI3-kinase complex recruitment is dependent on both Ulk1 complex and Atg9L1.