Research Article

Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and Its Risk Factors among Permanently Settled Tribal Individuals in Tribal and Urban Areas in Northern State of Sub-Himalayan Region of India

Table 5

Gender distribution for anthropometry, blood glucose, and alcohol consumption among tribes of urban and tribal areas, Himachal Pradesh, 2011-2012.

Tribal tribes (2070)Urban tribes (1788) valueTribal tribes (1930)Urban tribes (2212) valueTribal tribes (4000)Urban tribes (4000) value

Central obesity30.246.90.0057.468.80.0043.359.00.00
BMI (kg/m2)
HTN (mm of Hg)
 Prehypertension 81.559.80.0075.956.80.0078.858.20.00
 Stage 18.823.80.0011.822.00.0010.222.80.00
FBG (mg/dL)
 IFG (110–126)
 DM (>126)
OGTT (mg/dL)
 IGT (140–200)94.584.90.0092.481.60.0093.583.10.00
 DM (>200)

Yates Corrected Chi-square test.