Research Article

Immersion in Computer Games: The Role of Spatial Presence and Flow

Table 4

Presence and Flow: principal axis factoring*.

A priori classificationItem

Somehow I felt that the virtual world surrounded me..052.605
I felt like I was just perceiving pictures (inverse coded)..139.286
PresenceI did not feel present in the virtual space (inverse coded)..007.408
I had a sense of acting in the virtual space, rather than operating something from outside..045.814
I felt present in the virtual space..063.904

I knew what I had to do each step of the way..542.020
The right thoughts/movements occurred of their own accord..724.084
I felt that I had everything under control..734.064
I had no difficulty concentrating..567.098
My mind was completely clear..723.086
FlowMy thoughts/activities were running fluidly and smoothly..885.146
I was totally absorbed in what I was doing..362.111
I felt just the right amount of challenge..287āˆ’.001
I was completely lost in thought..335.015

I did not notice the time passing..298.123

% of variance explained24.718.0

*Rotation method: varimax with Kaiser normalisation.
Note: values less than 0.4 are suppressed.