Research Article

A Framework for Adaptive Game Presenters with Emotions and Social Comments

Table 3

The most common messages of the communication protocol (API) for Trivia games.

Message IDMessage contentExplanation

Start gameNumber of players New game session begins
End gameā€”Current game session ends
Turn beginsPlayer Id, turn numberNotifies the presenter about the current player (whose turn begins now)
Turn endsPlayer Id, turn number, answered correctly, time upNotifies the presenter that a player have just finished their turn. Also informs the presenter why the turn ended (player gave an answer or time was up)
Question For player Id, category, type, Is checkpoint, time to answerNotifies the presenter that a question for player X has been asked. The Category of the question (e.g., history) and the question type (e.g., multiple choices) must be known, along with how much time has the player to answer
Player pressed buzzerPlayer Id, timeNotifies the presenter whenever a player presses their buzzer. The presenter can compare the time from such events and comment on player reflexes
Player asks helpPlayer Id, help type, helps leftNotifies the presenter that a player has asked for help
Player reached checkpointPlayer Id, check point IdNotifies the presenter that a player has reached a checkpoint in the game
Score (Money) changedPlayer Id, amountNotifies the presenter whenever a player gains or losses score (or money)
Pause/ResumeIs pausedThe game is paused/resumed