Research Article

BANA-Positive Plaque Samples Are Associated with Oral Hygiene Practices and Not CD4+ T Cell Counts in HIV-Positive Patients

Table 1

CD4+ T cell counts and clinical indices relative to frequency of BANA.

VariablesBANAP value
Positive ( )Negative ( )
Mean (SD)MedianMinimum–MaximumMean (SD)MedianMinimum–Maximum

CD4+ T cell countsa299.07 (157.16)30061–859280.79 (137.6)25636–5620.7075
Plaque indexb2.64 (0.46)2.91.3–32.35 (0.64)2.50.8–30.0248
Gingival indexc2.83 (0.35)31.5–32.59 (0.59)2.90.5–30.0348
Probing depthd5.06 (1.02)52.9–6.84.12 (0.76)42.9–5.8<0.0001
Clinical attachment levele5.6 (1.1)5.93–7.34.59 (0.83)4.43–6.1<0.0001

aNo statistical significance observed between CD4+ T cell counts and BANA test (Wilcoxon rank sum test).
b,cMarginally statistical significance observed between BANA and plaque and gingival indices (Wilcoxon rank sum test).
d,e Highly statistical significance observed between BANA and probing depth and clinical attachment level (Wilcoxon rank sum test).