Clinical Study

A New Anatomically Based Nomenclature for the Roots and Root Canals—Part 2: Mandibular Molars

Figure 4

(a) Diagrammatic illustration of the access cavity of the mandibular first molar showing the locations of the seven canals contained within the principle roots and named using the traditional nomenclature. MB—mesiobuccal, ML—mesiolingual, DB—distobuccal, DL—distolingual, D—distal. (b) Naming of the canals in (a), as per the proposed anatomically based nomenclature, linguo-mesiobuccal (L-MB), bucco-mesiolingual (B-ML), MD—middle distal. (c) Diagrammatic illustration of the access cavity of the mandibular first molar showing the locations of the six canals contained within four roots and named using the traditional nomenclature. (d) Naming of canals, shown in (c), in accordance with the recommended nomenclature which clearly conveys the information of the root and canal morphology of the tooth. “R” is added as a suffix to the name of the canal to signify additional root(s) with a single canal (MBR—mesiobuccal, MLR—mesiolingual, DLR—distolingual); “r” is added as a suffix to the names of all the canals in the additional root containing multiple canals (L-DBr—linguo-distobuccal, M-DBr—middle distobuccal, and DBr—distobuccal canal).