Clinical Study

Qat Chewing as an Independent Risk Factor for Periodontitis: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Descriptive statistics of CAL by risk factors.

Maximum CAL score
01234 Mean, SD

Age group*
 20–24 y18 (18.2)68 (68.7)11 (11.1)2 (2.0)0 (0.0)0.44, 0.35
 25–29 y13 (10.4)79 (63.2)27 (21.6)3 (2.4)3 (2.4)0.65, 0.42
 30–34 y2 (2.4)51 (62.3)23 (28.0)5 (6.1)1 (1.2)0.81, 0.53
 35–39 y3 (3.9)33 (43.4)30 (39.6)9 (11.8)1 (1.3)1.06, 0.57
 40–44 y1 (1.5)17 (26.2)29 (44.6)14 (21.5)4 (6.2)1.37, 0.40
 45–50 y0 (0.0)18 (34.0)19 (35.8)15 (28.3)1 (1.9)1.26, 0.57
 Male21 (5.6)188 (50.5)114 (30.6)39 (10.5)10 (2.8)0.91, 0.60
 Female16 (1.6)78 (60.9)25 (19.5)9 (7.0)0 (0.0)0.64, 0.47
Oral hygiene status*
 Good13 (26.5)30 (61.3)5 (10.2)1 (2.0)0 (0.0)0.38, 0.35
 Fair17 (10.1)108 (63.9)34 (20.1)8 (4.7)2 (1.2)0.64, 0.42
 Poor7 (2.5)128 (45.4)100 (35.5)39 (13.8)8 (2.8)1.05, 0.61
Educational status
 Illiterate4 (4.5)37 (41.6)35 (39.3)12 (13.5)1 (1.1)0.97, 0.52
 Primary28 (8.9)177 (56.0)76 (24.1)27 (8.5)8 (2.5)0.81, 0.61
 High5 (5.3)52 (54.7)28 (29.5)9 (9.5)1 (1.1)0.84, 0.53
Smoking status*
 Smokers5 (2.9)84 (48.3)53 (30.4)27 (15.5)5 (2.9)1.02, 0.61
 Nonsmokers32 (9.8)182 (55.8)86 (26.4)21 (6.3)5 (1.5)0.75, 0.54
Chewing status*
 Chewers15 (3.7)205 (51.3)126 (31.5)44 (11.0)10 (2.5)0.93, 0.58
 Nonchewers22 (22.0)61 (61.0)13 (13.0)4 (4.0)0 (0.0)0.48, 0.43
Intraoral site*
 Chewing sides32 (8.0)227 (56.7)100 (25.0)35 (8.8%)6 (1.5%)1.26, 0.73
 Nonchewing sides91 (22.7)214 (53.5)82 (20.5)11 (2.8%)2 (0.5%)0.98, 0.79
Overall37 (7.4)266 (53.2)139 (27.8)48 (9.6)10 (2.0)0.84, 0.58

Significant differences between/among subgroups in CAL maximum score distribution and mean score ( ); Chi-square, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal Wallis or Wilcoxon signed-rank test as appropriate. Significant difference only in mean scores ( ). CAL codes: 0: 0–3 mm; 1: 4-5 mm; 2: 6–8 mm; 3: 8–11 mm; 4: 12 mm or more.