Clinical Study

Outcome of Endodontic Treatments Made by Postgraduate Students in the Dental Clinic of Bretonneau Hospital

Figure 3

Case classified as healing. (a) Preoperative X-ray of the 36. Patient referred for orthograde retreatment of 36, asymptomatic, with an apical chronic periodontitis on the mesial root. Note the apical radiolucency ( ) and pieces of amalgam in the mesial root. The initial endodontic treatment was performed more than one year ago. (b) Periapical X-ray control immediately after the retreatment: amalgam grains are visible in the periapical region after realisation of the endodontic retreatment. (c) Recall after 4 years: this tooth is classified as “healed”: the amalgam grains seem to have disappeared but there is still a radiolucent area ( ).