Clinical Study

Outcome of Endodontic Treatments Made by Postgraduate Students in the Dental Clinic of Bretonneau Hospital

Table 1

Distribution of variables: preoperative, intraoperative, postoperative factors.

Initial treatmentRetreatment
% %

  ≤45 years9474047
  >45 years10534653
 Tooth type
 Tooth location
 No. of roots
  Single root7303028
 Signs and symptoms
 Pulp response
  PAI = 115653633
  PAI = 2002422
  PAI ≥ 37304844
 Root filling lenght
 Root filling density
 Broken instrument
 Time since initial treatment
  ≤1 year//2119
  >1 year//3532
 Treatment sessions
 Root filling lenght
 Root filling density
  Broken instrument1455
 Signs and symptoms
  PAI = 1231008982
  PAI = 2001211
  PAI ≥ 30076
 Coronal restoration
  Temporary filling31376
  Permanent filling208710194
 Restoration leakage