Research Article

Influence of the Cement Film Thickness on the Push-Out Bond Strength of Glass Fiber Posts Cemented in Human Root Canals

Table 2

Push-out bond strengths by drill size and location of root section (MPa).

Root sectionG1 (WP #2)G2 (WP #3)G3 (WP #4)
Mean (±SD)Mean (±SD)Mean (±SD)

Cervical7.67 (±4.92)10.34 (±4.43)6.06 (±6.01)
Middle9.50 (±4.83)15.10 (±3.60)5.92 (±5.00)
Apical12.72 (±4.58)18.37 (±4.13)11.25 (±6.12)
Total10.04 (±5.13)14.62 (±5.15)7.68 (±6.14)

Note: different superscript lowercase letters indicate statistically significant differences by column. Different superscript capital letters indicate statistically significant differences by row (Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn’s test, ).