Research Article

Desquamated Epithelial Cells of Unstimulated Human Whole Saliva Express Both EGF Transcript and Protein

Figure 7

Immunocytochemistry discloses intense nuclear staining for the proliferation marker Ki67 in HaCaT cells stimulated with 10% FBS. (a–d) Cells were incubated in the FBS-free culture medium for 8 h to standardize the experimental conditions and then stimulated with either low (0.1%, (a, b)) or high (10%, (c, d)) concentration of FBS for 24 h HaCaT cells were cultured on coverslips and fixed. The same cells were double stained for nuclei using the nuclear marker DAPI (a, c) and for Ki67 immunoreactivity (b, d). Bar in panel (b) represents 150 μm for all panels. Each sample was analyzed in duplicate.