Clinical Study

Association between Serum Uric Acid Levels and Diabetes Mellitus

Table 1

Characteristics of the study population by categories of serum uric acid level*†.

CharacteristicsQuartile 1Quartile 2Quartile 3Quartile 4 value

Age, years <0.0001
Women, % 0.0073
Race-ethnicity, %0.0010
 Non-Hispanic whites
 Non-Hispanic blacks
 Mexican Americans
Education categories, %0.0002
 Below high school
 High school
 Above high school
Smoking, %<0.0001
 Never smoker
 Former smoker
 Current smoker
Alcohol intake, %
 Current drinker 0.0680
Body mass index, kg/m2<0.0001
Total cholesterol, mg/dL <0.0001

*Data presented are row percentages or mean values ± standard error (SE).
Serum uric acid quartiles: <4.3 mg/dL, 4.30–5.20 mg/dL, 5.30–6.20 mg/dL, >6.20 mg/dL.