Clinical Study

A Pilot Study on Dietary Approaches in Multiethnicity: Two Methods Compared

Table 2

Clinical and metabolic characteristics and pregnancy outcome of the subjects under study.

SMP groupEMP group

Age (yrs) 0,622
Prepregnancy BMI (kg/m2) 0,784
Time of GDM diagnosis (gw) 0,316
Weight gain during pregnancy (kg) 0,869
Insulin therapy ( )120,509
Gestational hypertension ( )100,330
Delivery (gw) 0,409
Cesarean section ( .)561,000
Birth weight (g) 0,164
LGA babies ( )300,001
SGA babies ( )100,330
Macrosomia ( )200,186
Fetal composite outcome ( )00ā€”
Fetal malformations ( )00ā€”

SMP: standard meal plan, EMP: ethnic meal plan, BMI: body mass index, LGA: large for gestational age, SGA: small for gestational age, gw: weeks of gestation.