Clinical Study

Incidental Thyroid Carcinoma Diagnosed after Total Thyroidectomy for Benign Thyroid Diseases: Incidence and Association with Thyroid Disease Type and Laboratory Markers

Table 1

Arrangement of patients after preoperative diagnosis and co-existence of thyroid cancer and CLT.

DiagnosisNo. of patientsTCCLT

STN3411 (32.4)7 (20.6)
NTMG15221 (13.8)38 (25.0)
TMG260 (0.0)7 (26.9)
Τoxic adenoma60 (0.0)2 (33.3)
Graves’ disease101 (10.0)2 (20.0)

Total22833 (14.5)56 (24.6)

TC: thyroid cancer; CLT: chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis; STN: nontoxic solitary thyroid nodule; NTMG: nontoxic multinodular goiter; TMG: toxic multinodular goiter.
Data were expressed as frequencies and percentages (%).