Clinical Study

Twenty Years of Experience with the Preoperative Diagnosis of Medullary Cancer in a Moderately Iodine-Deficient Region

Table 1

Comparison of clinical data and ultrasonographic findings.

Medullary cancer    (MTC)Other carcinomasBenignDifference between MTC and
other malignanciesBenign lesions

Number of patients234634,115
Sex ratio (M : F)7 : 1659 : 404380 : 3,735 < 0.05 < 0.01
30% : 70%13% : 87%9% : 91%
Median age (range) (years)58 (20–79)48 (16–83)51 (12–87)
Suspicious clinical appearance10 (44%)122 (26%)170 (4.1%)n.s. < 0.01


Number of nodules analyzed234637695
Median volume of nodule (mL) (range)7.31 (0.04–67.6)1.26* (0.01–66.8)7.41 (0.15–172.7)
Hypoechogenic nodule23 (100%)370 (80%)4,374 (57%)n.s. < 0.01
Microcalcifications3 (13%)78 (17%)324 (4.2%)n.s.n.s.
Irregular borders3 (13%)37 (8.0%)78 (1.0%)n.s. < 0.01
Irregular patchy hyperechogenic areas11 (48%)4 (0.9%)118 (1.5%) < 0.01 < 0.01
Disturbed intranodular vascular pattern 1/1431/26860/5,425 < 0.05n.s.

Anaplastic cancer not included.