Clinical Study

Past Obesity as well as Present Body Weight Status Is a Risk Factor for Diabetic Nephropathy

Figure 1

Prevalence of diabetic nephropathy divided by quartiles of current BMI and quartiles of previous maximum BMI. As for quartiles of current BMI, Quartile 1; BMI ≦ 21.42, Quartile 2; BMI: 21.43–23.52, Quartile 3; BMI: 23.53–26.11, and Quartile 4; BMI > 26.11. As for quartiles of previous maximum BMI, Quartile 1 (Q1); BMI ≦ 25.00, Quartile 2 (Q2); BMI: 25.01–27.10, Quartile 3 (Q3); BMI: 27.11–29.78, and Quartile 4 (Q4); BMI > 29.78. Prevalence of diabetic nephropathy was significantly different among the quartile groups of current BMI ( by chi-squared analysis). Prevalence of diabetic nephropathy was significantly different among the quartile groups of previous maximum BMI ( by chi-squared analysis).