Clinical Study

Efficacy of Subantimicrobial Dose Doxycycline for Moderate-to-Severe and Active Graves’ Orbitopathy

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients.


Demographic and clinical characteristics
 Age (yr)43.38 ± 11.82
 Gender (female)3 (23.1%)
 Weight (kg)68.08 ± 12.87
 Smoking history
  Current smoker6 (46.2%)
  Ex-smoker1 (7.6%)
  Never-smoker6 (46.2%)
 History of thyroid disease
  Graves’ hyperthyroidism9 (69.2%)
  Euthyroid Graves’ disease4 (30.8%)
  Others0 (0%)
 Previous antithyroid treatments
  Antithyroid drugs5 (55.6%)
  Radioiodine1 (11.1%)
  Thyroidectomy3 (33.3%)
 Duration of Graves’ disease (months)15 (6–24)
 Duration of Graves’ orbitopathy (months)6 (3–12)
 Duration of euthyroidism (months)3 (1.5–3.5)
Biochemical characteristics
 FT3 (pmol/L)5.02 (4.08–6.17)
 FT4 (pmol/L)14.32 (12.56–15.80)
 TSH (mU/L)0.54 (0.04–1.01)
Eye symptoms and signs
 Proptosis (mm)21.19 ± 1.95
 Eyelid aperture (mm)12.31 ± 2.32
 Soft tissue involvements
  Absent 0 (0%)
  Minimal 4 (30.8%)
  Moderate8 (61.5%)
  Severe1 (7.7%)
 Diplopia (Bahn and Gorman’s score)
  Absent3 (23.1%)
  Intermittent2 (15.4%)
  Inconstant3 (23.1%)
  Constant 5 (38.4%)
 Clinical Activity Score4 (3–5)
 Ocular motility
  Elevation (degrees)22.53 ± 13.07
  Depression (degrees)45.85 ± 15.97
  Adduction (degrees)41.62 ± 7.79
  Abduction (degrees)37.31 ± 11.40

FT3: free triiodothyronine; FT4: free thyroxine; TSH: thyrotropin.