Research Article

Regulation of the Human Ghrelin Promoter Activity by Transcription Factors, NF-κB and Nkx2.2

Figure 8

EMSA of Nkx2.2-binding to the human ghrelin gene promoter. (a) Nuclear extracts were prepared from TT cell. The specific complex formed from TT cell nuclear extract and a candidate Nkx2.2 binding element is indicated by an arrowhead. (b) EBNA was used as the control for specific binding of Nkx2.2 antibody. Super shift assay experiments were performed using 1 μg (200 μg/0.1 mL) of Nkx2.2 (H-60) antibody (lanes 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 in ghrelin promoter assay and lane 4 in control EBNA).