Research Article

Sexual Dimorphisms of Adrenal Steroids, Sex Hormones, and Immunological Biomarkers and Possible Risk Factors for Developing Rheumatoid Arthritis

Table 4

Logistic regression model of sex outcome including steroidal and hormonal variables, but not testosterone and estradiol levels.

Variables in the modelTotal ()Controls ()
Wald valuesWald values

17-OH pregnenolone (17-OH P5)6.6860.0102.5860.108
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)6.5720.0102.3050.129
17-OH progesterone (17-OH P4)0.8990.3430.6660.415
DHEA sulfate (DHEAS)12.708<0.0019.5960.002
Luteinizing hormone (LH) 7.0760.0083.5760.059
Prolactin (PRL) 1.1100.2922.3050.129
Age at entry2.3380.1261.0980.295

Logistic regression models of dependent sex outcome did not execute when either testosterone or estradiol values were entered.
1 df for each variable entered in block.