Research Article

Maternal High-Fat Diet during Pregnancy and Lactation Influences Obestatin and Ghrelin Concentrations in Milk and Plasma of Wistar Rat Dams and Their Offspring

Figure 2

Ghrelin concentration (pg/mL) in blood plasma (a) and milk (b) of female rats fed with standard breeding diet (BD) or high-fat diet (HF) in pregnancy and lactation during different reproductive stages (before mating, day 0, 14th day of pregnancy, and 14th and 21st day of lactation) and blood plasma of pups from BD dams (BDO) or HF dams (HFO) in the first 21 days of life (c). Results are presented as means ± SEM. Statistical differences in ghrelin plasma concentration between days within control treatment (BD or BDO). Statistical differences in ghrelin plasma concentration between days within HF treatment and HFO group. Statistical differences between BD and HF group and between BDO and HFO group . Statistical differences in ghrelin milk concentration between days within treatment (). indicates statistical differences in ghrelin milk concentration between BD and HF group ().