Research Article

Nontoxic Multinodular Goitre and Incidental Thyroid Cancer: What Is the Best Surgical Strategy?—A Retrospective Study of 2032 Patients

Table 4

The occurrence of ITC after each type of surgery and for each year of the study.

Type of surgeryITC in NTMNGChi2RGChi2

TT12027618 (2.07%)0.0391 (0.11%)0.234
STT51533421 (4.52%)3 (0.64%)
DO21203311 (1.56%)2 (0.28%)
Total n (%)8 (2.3%)4 (1.29%)7 (1.96%)5 (1.28%)13 (2.98%)13 (2.75%)50 (2.46%)6 (0.29%)

ITC: incidental thyroid cancer; NTMNG: nontoxic multinodular goitre; RG: recurrent goitre; TT: total thyroidectomy; STT: subtotal thyroidectomy; DO: Dunhill operation.