Research Article

Nontoxic Multinodular Goitre and Incidental Thyroid Cancer: What Is the Best Surgical Strategy?—A Retrospective Study of 2032 Patients

Table 6

Histopathology and staging of incidental thyroid carcinoma according to AJCC 2010 classification in patients with multinodular goitre.

Histopathology type and stagingNumber n (%)

Histopathological type, n (%)
 Papillary thyroid carcinoma47 (94%)
 Classical variant44 (88%)
 Follicular variant3 (6%)
 Follicular thyroid carcinoma2 (4%)
 Undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma1 (2%)
TNM classification 2010, n (%)
 pT1a30 (60%)
 pT1b17 (34%)
 pT23 (6%)
 pT (m)3 (6%)
pTNM staging according to AJCC 2010, n (%)
 I47 (94%)
 II3 (6%)