Research Article

Sequence Analysis of SSR-Flanking Regions Identifies Genome Affinities between Pasture Grass Fungal Endophyte Taxa

Figure 6

Summary of genomic affinities between Neotyphodium and Epichloë species predicted from phylogenetic analysis of the flanking regions of five SSR loci: NCESTA1AB04 (a), NCESTA1FH03 (b), NCESTA1GA07 (c), NLESTA1GF09 (d), and NLESTA1NF04 (e). Predicted partial or complete genomes, based on variant haplotype sub-classes, are indicated as black circles. Lines that connect putative common genomes, and the level of support for each inference are indicated in terms of the number of loci providing confirmatory data. This information relates to the next most adjacent taxon in the topology of the diagram. An asterisk indicates a locus-specific variant obtained by PCR, but for which the nucleotide sequence was not obtained. The dotted line defines the inferred division between the two major groups of Epichloë species.