Research Article

Indian Craniometric Variability and Affinities

Table 3

Relationship between measurements’ mean and standard deviation for Indian series.

Measurements includedUntransformed variablesVariables transformed to base 10 logarithms
Pearson’s Slope of best-fit linePearson’s Slope of best-fit line

All measurements, all series0.7430.0330.8390.429
All measurements except fractions, all series0.8120.0340.8610.424
All measurements except fractions, all series with ≥30 values per measurement0.8870.0320.907a0.411b

Pearson’s value is 0.908 for northern Indians and 0.907 for southern Indians.
bSlope of best-fit line is 0.408 for northern Indians and 0.413 for southern Indians.